THE DEED | DAS WERK: Avi Albers Ben Chamo

Der 1973 in Haifa (Israel) geborene und in Berlin lebende Künstler Avi Albers Ben Chamo spricht in seinem Interview über die zentrale Botschaft seines künstlerischen Werks (Interview in englischer Sprache).

(In englischer Sprache) Please describe the core theme and the central message of your work. Introduce us to the work that, in your view, exemplifies or best embodies the message of your work.

Emotions, structure, construction and deconstruction.

DEEDS WORLD - courtesy of the artist - Avi Albers Ben Chamo 4

Avi Albers Ben Chamo, Kavanism series: the broken word 

DEEDS WORLD - courtesy of the artist - Avi Albers Ben Chamo 7

Avi Albers Ben Chamo, Kavanism series: the broken word 0.2

Especially in my current works, which I call Kavanism, I feel more and more free to deal with the surface I’m working with, because I know I’m going to destroy it just before the work is finished. But my work is not disconnected from reality, it is a direct reflection of my relationship with society and the political and interpersonal tensions. I am not interested in self-interest only, I do not live in this world in isolation.

DEEDS WORLD - courtesy of the artist - Avi Albers Ben Chamo - the broken square

Avi Albers Ben Chamo, Kavanism series: the broken square 

DEEDS WORLD - courtesy of the artist - Avi Albers Ben Chamo - a broken circle movement

Avi Albers Ben Chamo, Kavanism series: a broken circle movement 

Die Frage nach THE DEED | DAS WERK ist ein ergänzender und separat präsentierter Teil des THE INTERVIEW IN|DEEDS mit Avi Albers Ben Chamo.

This post is also available in: English

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