THE DEED | DAS WERK: Vera Kochubey

Die 1986 in Moskau geborene und in Berlin lebende Künstlerin Vera Kochubey spricht im Rahmen ihres Interviews über die zentrale Botschaft ihres künstlerischen Werks.

(Interview in Englisch) Vera, please describe the core theme and the central message of your work.

I’ve decided to no longer explain my art, but to express a state of mind. Powerful bliss, inspired uniqueness. You either love it or not. | am deeply inspired by pop art, American and Japanese authors.

Vera Kochubey, Magician, 2022, Acrylic and oil on canvas,
100 x 150 cm, Foto Tanja Schnitzler

Introduce us to the work that, in your view, exemplifies or best embodies the message of your work.

PINK EUPHORIA. Large Scale Meditation on color pink.

Vera Kochubey, Pink Euphoria, 2022, Acrylic and oil on canvas,
150 x 210 cm, Foto: Tanja Schnitzler

What is the aim of your art, your work, what is it supposed to achieve in the viewer?

High vibrational individuals are attracted to high vibrational people and things. You don’t just
see a painting or an art object, you see vibrant reality where everything is possible and
intention creates beauty of life.

Die Frage nach THE DEED | DAS WERK ist ein ergänzender und separat präsentierter Teil des THE INTERVIEW IN|DEEDS mit Vera Kochubey.

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