THE DEED | DAS WERK: Stephanie Cornfield

Die in Paris geborene und in Bombay lebende Fotografin Stephanie Cornfield spricht im Rahmen ihres Interviews über die zentrale Botschaft ihres künstlerischen Werks.

DEEDS WORLD - Interview Stephanie Cornfield - Joshua Oppenheimer by Stephanie Cornfield

Joshua Oppenheimer, Venice International  Film Festival, 2014 © Stephanie Cornfield

What makes your art special? What is it about – what are the central themes of your work?

When I take a portrait , will see it most of the time as landscape and think of colors as if it will be a painting. Will try to capture the essence of either the artist I photograph or the anonymous in my frame. Portraits of artist in entertainment  or portraiture of  selected faces embracing different cultures.

DEEDS WORLD - Interview Stephanie Cornfield - Valentina Lodovini by Stephanie Cornfield

Valentina Lodovini, Venice international Film Festival, 2016  © Stephanie Cornfield

Please describe the core theme and the central message of your work.

I let myself be marveled at the world when I take documentary pictures. I try to translate these feelings as I ‘m creating portraits.

Anselmo Vasconcellos, Rio, 2014 © Stephanie Cornfield

Introduce us to the work that, in your view, exemplifies or best embodies the message of your work.

According to Paul Eluard , the poet offers one to see … People have said of my work it s cinematic, dreamy and it captures the mystery of the moment.

DEEDS WORLD - Interview Stephanie Cornfield - 1

Maha Kumbh, Allahabad, 2013 © Stephanie Cornfield

I m offering a selection of pictures here which are the most representative of my work.

DEEDS WORLD - Interview Stephanie Cornfield - 3

Varanasi, 2018 © Stephanie Cornfield

What is the aim of your art, your work, what is it supposed to achieve in the viewer?

Transforming the reality in a captivating way. To give a feeling of wholeness to the viewer.

Die Frage nach THE DEED | DAS WERK ist ein ergänzender und separat präsentierter Teil des THE INTERVIEW IN|DEEDS mit Stephanie Cornfield.

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